MEMBER STORY - Dylan Gorman

Member Story - Dylan Gorman

My name is Dylan and I am 16 years old. I enjoy singing, acting, writing, video games, reading and watching movies. I also have cerebral palsy.

I met Ryan in May 2013 at an expo in Robina and I was invited to come for an Arakan introductory free lesson. It took until September before I was able to take up the invite and I haven’t looked back.

To be honest, prior to starting Arakan, I avoided a lot of physical exercise always looking for an excuse not to do it. When I first started working with Ryan I was pretty unfit, I struggled to jog for a length of time and I was a disaster on the monkey bars.

In the five months I have been working one on one with Ryan I have seen my fitness levels improve. I can now jog a lot further and for a longer time and I made is all the way across the monkeys bars the other night. This might seem like a small feat but for me it was a huge achievement.

I also really like the defensive skills I am building and my growing confidence that I will be prepared if a situation arises. I feel stronger and fitter and motivated to get better.

Arakan has also increased my mobility, fitness and stamina which have had a positive impact on movement and performing.

Ryan, my instructor, is always supportive and encouraging, motivating me to try harder and push through. He is very knowledgeable and teaches with patience and humour. He is an awesome instructor and I enjoy working with him very much.

I know I have a long way to go, but I can see the difference Arakan has made to my physique, my confidence and my fitness level. I am glad I took up Ryan’s invite and I would recommend that anyone regardless of fitness level or disability give it a go.


Student Dylan Gorman   Instructor Ryan Robbie

About a month or so into my training, I was in town on the way to the taxi stand after a night out, when a guy started to verbally abuse me from behind as he had mistaken me for someone else (as he was calling me another name!!). I turned around as my Instructor Jayson Osborne had taught me to be square to your opponent. As he continued to verbally abuse me I asked what his problem was and to go away! He threw a swing at me where I responded with a last resort cover then dropped him with a straight palm. When I awoke the next day I realized that if I hadn't learnt a last resort cover then things could have been a hell of a lot different! The thing I've learned most is that you’re never going to know when a situation is going to arise but the amazing skills and confidence you learn from Arakan can adapt to any situation you may encounter in your life even if you have just started out. Now I've been doing it for a year I have learned many more skills to help deal with those situations and it will only grow as I continue on my Arakan journey…

Nick Stowell


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Arakan Martial Art is not just a practice for the young or physically fit; it's a holistic discipline that offers immense benefits for individuals in their 30s, 40s, and beyond. This unique martial art goes beyond physical training; it's a tool for maintaining and enhancing mental acuity and overall well-being.