Arakan Martial Art Awards Nights

Awards Nights

Our annual Awards Nights celebrate the achievements of our Members and Instructor team throughout the year.

This is an opportunity for students and Instructors to get dressed up and relax together outside of training. Awards presented include Gradings, Student of the Year, Family of the Year, Instructor of the year and so on!

These events are open to all members, their family and friends and we encourage everyone to come along and support their fellow members. 

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I’ve sat to write this so many times and deleted more than I’ve written, either my words are too emotional or they just don’t capture the man that is Robert Kyaw.
The end of 2006 I started my journey with Arakan.
I thought I’d be learning a Martial Art, Robert Kyaw taught me about life.
He taught me the value of myself and ignited a fire that I previously hadn’t discovered, he gave me skills to protect myself and project my energy in a way I don’t attract harm in the first place. Robert showed me the value of community and being a part of such an incredible club I’ve always felt supported and loved whilst being stretched outside my comfort zone because Robert strives to bring out the best in you and show you just how much you’re capable of, even when you’ve lost faith in yourself, Robert’s belief in you continues.
Training Arakan Martial Art has been the only ‘exercise’ I have ever committed to and although I have had periods of training less I have never quit. The skills I learn and use in my everyday life are far too valuable for me to ever stop learning.
In the time I’ve trained Arakan I’ve discovered my life’s passion and live it everyday, the skills Robert has taught me opened my heart and mind and connected me to myself, helped me to work through trauma I had experienced and allowed me to use the experience to help others.
I will be forever grateful to have met Robert Kyaw, I consider him to be one of the most influential people in my life and am blessed to have him as an Instructor and a friend
Thank you for all that you do and all that you are Rob
I love you

Tracey McMahon


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Boosting Immunity Through Arakan Martial Art: Your Winter Wellness Guide
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