Arakan Martial Art Gold Coast Photo Gallery

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I have been training with Corey now for over 4 years and initially i started training with him to get some basic fitness. I had my first complimentary lesson with Corey and was show the backfist and how to generate more power to that blow with some "technique". It was amazing to realise the difference in the power of the blow. Corey has since trained me every week since that time and (has patiently) explained everything concisely (many times) to assist my growth with Arakan Martial Art. It was apparent from the outset that Corey was passionate and considerate but his understanding of Arakan enabled him to teach the art at a very understandable level right through to being enabled to grade my first belt.
I now train with Corey to gain greater understanding of the next belt requirements but due to the exposure to Coreys passion and understanding of Arakan, is now not just about grading but more about a journey of learning that is continuous. The health benefits have been great for me personally and I cannot thank Corey enough for what he has helped me to achieve. I highly recommend him as an Arakan Instructor and have entrusted him to start training with my 14 year old son. Again, I see Corey gently working away with him and encouraging him. The benefits of having some knowledge, of what he is being Instructed, only brings us closer and gives us a better bond. Exponentially, my eldest son trains and my youngest daughter has trained for 4 years (this month, Jan 2020) as well, so it really has become a family affair.

Mark Barlow and family


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Boosting Immunity Through Arakan Martial Art: Your Winter Wellness Guide
As winter sets in, many of us find ourselves retreating indoors, wrapped in layers of clothing, and often falling prey to the seasonal sniffles and sneezes. However, there is a potent remedy that can help fortify our immune systems and keep us healthy during the colder months: regular exercise, particularly through Arakan Martial Art. Not only does training in Arakan Martial Art enhance our immunity, but it also contributes significantly to our overall health and longevity. Let’s delve into the science behind these benefits and explore how practicing Arakan Martial Art can be your best defence this winter.

Upgrade Your Life with Arakan Martial Art

In the modern quest for self-improvement, biohacking, and personal development, Arakan Martial Art emerges as a multifaceted tool that transcends the conventional boundaries of physical training. This unique martial art offers more than just self-defence skills; it's a holistic approach to upgrading your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.