Arakan Martial Art Elite Guard

Elite Guard

Elite Guard

This seminar is an invitation only seminar for graded students.

On this day, Arakan practitioners have the opportunity to step back in time as they learn to use weapons such as daggers, swords, long staffs, walking sticks and short sticks. They are also able to engage in advanced level techniques and strategies reserved for the higher level students only.


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Thank you so much for the wonderful Arakan activity on Asia Day. Your boys/young men are so wonderful with the kids. 

It is amazing how many of the girls love the activity! Nearly all of them said that it was not long enough!

Thank you again. We really appreciate it!

Jennifer George - Year 6 Leader - Somerset College


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* limited places available, subject to instructor availability

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Boosting Immunity Through Arakan Martial Art: Your Winter Wellness Guide
As winter sets in, many of us find ourselves retreating indoors, wrapped in layers of clothing, and often falling prey to the seasonal sniffles and sneezes. However, there is a potent remedy that can help fortify our immune systems and keep us healthy during the colder months: regular exercise, particularly through Arakan Martial Art. Not only does training in Arakan Martial Art enhance our immunity, but it also contributes significantly to our overall health and longevity. Let’s delve into the science behind these benefits and explore how practicing Arakan Martial Art can be your best defence this winter.

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