Thibault Caruana - Arakan Martial Art Instructor

Thibault Caruana

Senior Instructor

Thibault (pronounced Tee-bo) began training at the very early age of 4 years old. After only a very short time training, his whole family could see the benefits and changes in Thibault and all began their Arakan journey.

After a decade of training, at age 14, Thibault become the youngest student to have achieved their Yellow Belt. He has trained consistently throughout the years and has never known life without training. Arakan has helped Thibault to become disciplined, focused and motivated throughout his life. He loves all things physical, and training has enabled him to become fitter, faster, stronger in life, physically and mentally.

Thibault brings positive energy and great passion to his lessons and loves sharing Arakan with others. He believes everyone should have a right to learn how to defend themselves and loved ones. He brings this energy to every lesson and helps his students learn fast and practical self defence techniques.

Thibault enjoys going to the gym, beach, hiking and spending time with family and friends.


After only working with Thibault for a short amount of time, my self-worth and confidence has grown massively. I initially started training with my son for his growth, but have fallen in love with Arakan for myself! Arakan isn't just a martial art, after working with the Instructors, I honestly believe it's a lifestyle. I am grateful I have found Thibault and Arakan.

Deanne Towie


 Thibault and I have been close friends for some years now, long before my Arakan journey began. In all those years, Thibault spoke about Arakan with passion and dedication to the art. As much as I was captivated by what he was saying, and entranced by the things he had shown me, I was still hesitant to try it. My advice; don't be hesitant.

Over the past year, he has made me feel more confident, secure, and disciplined - in all facets of my life, helping me with my studies and other person endeavours. Despite my bias from our friendship, Thibault certainly makes everyone feel comfortable in his lessons as he
is driven and professional, focusing on getting the best version of you out into the world. If you are wanting to achieve something more in life, or you just have spare time, whatever the reason may be, find Thibault. There is no other way for me to explain the benefits you
will receive from him and Arakan. I am very proud to call Thibault my friend and I am more than thankful for what he has been able to give me through Arakan.

Cooper Zulli


In the few months I have been training with Thibault, his passion, dedication, and focus has been infectious and inspiring. Arakan is a martial art with a far more practical application than other arts, which is made all the more clear through Thibault’s excellent explanation of the techniques and principles that make up my training. Thibault is a natural born teacher, always encouraging me and pushing me to hit harder, move faster, and improve my technique. This constant encouragement has made me more confident, not just regarding Arakan, but in life generally. Having Thibault as an instructor and watching him work has consistently inspired me to go beyond what I thought I was capable of and even surprise myself. Even in the short amount of time I have been training, I feel I have progressed in leaps and bounds, and I cannot wait to see how I continue to progress while training with Thibault. Although I have much more to learn, I know that with Thibault’s teachings I will be able to achieve any Arakan goal I set myself, and approach life with the same focus, dedication, and confidence I have during training because Thibault puts the can in Arakan. 

Jack Rigby


Since starting Arakan in November 2021, I have already been able to see the physical, mental, and emotional growth in myself; the confidence Arakan has given me is indescribable and you have to do it in order to understand the drive it ignites to never give up and to be confident in your own abilities. I am very lucky to have Thibault as my instructor, I was amazed to find out he has been doing Arakan for 16 years (and believe me, it shows); the passion, determination, and respect he holds is so admirable, and it drives me to always give every lesson 100 percent. He has always made me feel so comfortable which is one of the very many things I am grateful for, especially this being the first martial art I have ever done. Also, Thibault has always told me that his number one mission with every student is to make sure they can get home safely, and I am thankful to say that because of his impeccable teaching, the knowledge, and skills Arakan has given me, I will continue to always get home safely. I cannot thank Thibault enough for making my Arakan journey so far one of the best decisions I have ever made, I look forward to future lessons, seminars and hopefully, belt gradings in the near future; I am proud and confident in my knowledge and physical capabilities, especially having Thibault’s enthusiastic and motivating encouragement, and guidance every step of the way.

Angelica Stavrou

Thibault is an exceptional instructor. Both myself and my 14 year old daughter are grateful to have such an energetic, passionate and knowledgeable teacher. Every week his love for Arakan shines through. His energy is infectious and we are loving our lessons. The confidence we both have within ourselves and our ability to now defend ourselves has grown immensely. In particular, I have noticed the increased fitness and strength in my daughter. I cannot recommend him enough, we look forward to our weekly lessons and love the learning process. Arakan, and Thibault have changed our lives for the better. Increasing our strength, fitness, focus and confidence. I cannot wait to see where our Arakan journey takes us.



Book a complimentary intro lesson with Thibault Caruana

*Limited places available, subject to instructor availability.

About a month or so into my training, I was in town on the way to the taxi stand after a night out, when a guy started to verbally abuse me from behind as he had mistaken me for someone else (as he was calling me another name!!). I turned around as my Instructor Jayson Osborne had taught me to be square to your opponent. As he continued to verbally abuse me I asked what his problem was and to go away! He threw a swing at me where I responded with a last resort cover then dropped him with a straight palm. When I awoke the next day I realized that if I hadn't learnt a last resort cover then things could have been a hell of a lot different! The thing I've learned most is that you’re never going to know when a situation is going to arise but the amazing skills and confidence you learn from Arakan can adapt to any situation you may encounter in your life even if you have just started out. Now I've been doing it for a year I have learned many more skills to help deal with those situations and it will only grow as I continue on my Arakan journey…

Nick Stowell


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