Online Self Defence Lessons | Arakan Martial Art

Learn Self Defence Online

Learn Arakan Martial Art from anywhere in the world!

Read on to find out how you can receive a complimentary intro lesson...

Don't let your location restrict you from learning this effective and powerful martial art

Nothing beats training one-on-one with an instructor and now thanks to technology, you can attend a private Arakan Martial Art® training lesson via Zoom and other popular video streaming platforms.

Zoom lessons give you the opportunity to train directly with a qualified Arakan Martial Art® instructor from anywhere in the world!


You don’t need fancy equipment, special clothing or a gym to get started. All you need is an internet connection, access to a device to watch your lesson, and a quiet space to train.

Participation in online lessons will allow you to develop an understanding of self-defence techniques, skill sets, and ways in which to apply Arakan in your everyday life.

These lessons are REAL face to face lessons with highly experienced and qualified instructors. They are not pre-recorded lessons which means you will get one on one personal coaching and guidance through your lessons.
Zoom lessons are available as private one on one lessons and you can choose between 30 minute and 1 hour lessons.

During your online lessons you will learn practical, fast and effective self-defence skills and techniques, whilst gaining self-confidence, empowerment, awareness and better overall health and well-being.

Book your complimentary 30 minute lesson now!

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for a complimentary 30 minute private zoom lesson

* limited places available, subject to instructor availability

Please select a day and time within the next two weeks that you would like to book your lesson in for...

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