Self Defence Training Seminars| Arakan Martial Art

Training Seminars

Self Defence Training Seminars

Arakan Martial Art® Seminars provide you with an opportunity to learn fast and effective self-defence techniques in different environments and against different stimuli. 

Seminars have been held in a real nightclub, on a train, in a jail, a home and even your car! You learn effective and efficient self-protection techniques in close quarters or even against multiple attackers. Being confined to a car, train or bar is no barrier to effectively being able to defend yourself and your loved ones.

The purpose of these workshops is to enable you to develop effective street skills and techniques and learn to apply them by role playing various real life street scenarios. Role playing in a safe and controlled environment helps increase your threshold and enables you to be better prepared physically, emotionally and mentally should you be confronted with a real life situation.

These workshops help you fully immerse yourself into training and will give you amazing results that transpose into other areas of your life. 

Below are some workshops we have held. 

Night Club Seminar

Our Nightclub Seminar is taught in a real night club with real life scenarios. This is as realistic as it gets; the environment, music, noise, and atmosphere are all exactly as you would expect to find in a nightclub. The entire nightclub is reserved for our exclusive use during this seminar, allowing us to teach you practical self-defence techniques for real life scenarios that you may encounter in a nightclub, bar, restaurant, show or similar event. 

The techniques learnt in this seminar have been developed over many years to provide accelerated learning in practical, hands-on situations, whilst being in a controlled and safe environment. You learn how to defend yourself, loved ones and friends so you are prepared with these skills to handle these situations:

  • a glassing situation
  • defence against multiple attackers
  • close quarter techniques
  • increased awareness
  • ability to control a situation fast and effectively
  • defuse potentially threatening situations
  • manage security guards
  • manage people who are intoxicated or under the influence
  • protection techniques to look after your partner and friends 
  • ability to manage the physical, emotional and mental intensity or being in this environment.

This is an intense seminar designed to help raise your threshold and enable you to be better prepared physically, emotionally and mentally should you be confronted in a real life situation.


Road Rage Seminar

Most of us have either seen or been involved in a road rage situation - it can be a very confronting experience. 

This seminar equips you to effectively protect yourself and loved ones in various situations involving your car. 

Being confined to a car does not limit your ability to protect yourself or your loved ones effectively. We use real cars, in a real car park, role playing real life scenarios. You learn how to defend yourself and loved ones in realistic road rage situations whilst being in a safe and controlled environment. 
You learn how to protect yourself and loved ones against the following scenarios with the following skills:


  • using your car to your advantage
  • remaining calm and composed in the face of an assailant or multiple attackers
  • defence against street weapons including baseball bats, tyre irons and more
  • techniques and skill sets against car-jackings
  • an increased awareness
  • ability to defuse a potentially threatening situation fast and effectively
  • control situations 
  • ability to manage the physical, emotional and mental intensity from a road rage attack.
The Road Rage Seminar, like all our workshops, is dynamic, confronting, real, but most importantly empowering! This seminar helps increase your awareness and threshold to prepare you against a road rage attack. 




Ladies Only Self Defence Seminar 

This seminar is for ladies only and is designed to help empower women! 
We provide a safe environment for women to come together and learn practical, efficient and effective self-defence skills and techniques against potentially life threatening scenarios. 
This seminar is designed to boost self-confidence, empowerment, focus and discipline so that you’re better equipped and able to protect yourself. 

You will learn:

  • vulnerable points on an attacker making size less relevant
  • defence against much larger and stronger opponents
  • body weighting and momentum to use an attackers size and energy against themselves
  • to move your body in very dynamic ways
  • to deal with specific situations women may be faced with efficient holds and ?defence against grabs
  • increased situational awareness and self-awareness
  • improved physical conditioning to manage situations more effectively
  • to manage the physical, emotional and mental intensity of being attacked
  • how to handle these situations through physical conditioning
    how to handle the emotional pressures associated with being in a confronting situation?.
This seminar increases your threshold and enables you to be better prepared should you be confronted in a real life situation. This seminar is essential for all women to ensure their safety and well being and to ensure they get home safely. 

Your safety and well being is our number one priority.
Like all our workshops, you are 100% safe and supported whilst you learn these life changing skills. 




Home Invasion / Defence Seminar

One of the most intense situations a person can face, is dealing with someone invading their home, their private sanctuary.

Did you know in 2017, one home invasion occurred every three minutes across Australia?! It takes a burglar less than five minutes to break into your property, and one in 10 of those households that were broken into, had someone home. (Source Those are frightening statistics!

During this seminar you will be in a real house where you can learn skills and techniques for how to handle a potential home invasion. This is as real as it gets, whilst still being a safe and controlled environment.

During this seminar, you will learn how:


  • deal with an attacker or attackers attempting to enter your home 
  • use your surrounds to your advantage if they are already in your home
  • defend against various weapons such as knives and baseball bats
  • defend yourself if someone is in your bedroom or lying on top of you
  • increase self awareness and situational awareness
  • manage the physical, emotional and mental intensity of being attacked in your home
  • raise your threshold.

This is a confronting and very rewarding seminar - a vital session for anyone wanting to learn how to protect their most valuable assets; themselves, their loved ones and their home. 


Train / Public Transport Self Defence Seminar 

Being confined to a taxi, train, bus, car or other modes of transport does not limit you in being able to protect yourself and your loved ones effectively. During this seminar we hire a train for our exclusive use, so members can learn fast and powerful techniques in a safe, controlled and realistic environment.

These workshops are very real. We role play real life scenarios so you learn how to defend yourself and loved ones with real skills. 

You will learn:

  • use your environment to your advantage
  • remain calm and composed in the face of an assailant or multiple attackers
  • defend against street weapons including baseball bats, knives and more
  • increase your awareness
  • defuse a potentially threatening situation fast and effectively
  • control situations 
  • manage the physical, emotional and mental intensity from a road rage attack.

This seminar will help increase your awareness and skill set, so you are better prepared against a potential attack whilst using transport.


Defence Against Weapons Training Seminar

This seminar takes your self defence skills to a whole new level!

You will learn fast, efficient and effective self-protection skills and techniques against a common array of street weapons such as knives, baseball bats, and tyre irons to name just a few.

This seminar enables you to learn:


  • effective body positioning against an attack with a weapon
  • dynamic footwork
  • effective striking and kicking
  • devastating strikes, joint locks and holds
  • increased situational awareness 
  • improved physical conditioning to manage situations more effectively
  • how to manage the physical, emotional and mental intensity of being attacked with a weapon
  • how to handle the emotional pressures associated with being in a confronting situation.
This comprehensive seminar is as real as it gets, allowing you to train against weapons using powerful techniques. 
As with all our workshops and lessons, your safety is our number one priority. You are completely safe at all times whilst learning how to effectively defend yourself.
To learn more about our workshops please contact your Instructor or contact us directly here


At the ripe age of 48 i felt i needed something else to focus on other than work. I had little spare time but knew that if i enjoyed what i did i would find the time.

After training privately with Grant Cosgrove for just over a year now, i have found the art has helped mind, body and spirit immensely. The training is practical, enjoyable and doesnt impact too heavily on the body unlike other arts or sports.

I also had the pleasure of attending various training seminars throughout the year at interesting locations led by Chief instructor Rob and his army of top instructors, which whilst tested the nerve, really reinforced the art in real life situations.

The respect that is shown towards the students by both fellow students & instructors is an absolute credit to the organisation, hence why it continues to grow in popularity.

If anyone of any age is considering adding something special to their personal status, take a complimentary class in Arakan as i did and enjoy the journey.

Dave Stringer


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* limited places available, subject to instructor availability

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