6 ways Arakan Martial Art can change your life

6 ways Arakan Martial Art can change your life

Many martial arts have the potential to change someone’s life and put them on a path of self-discovery and self-improvement.

At Arakan Martial Art we have found that commitment to training each week has resulted in positive life changes that have benefited our students in all areas of their lives.

Here are 6 ways that Arakan Martial Art can change your life


Training the mind as well as the body is one of the major benefits of martial arts. By training Arakan Martial Art you will develop the ability to focus under pressure.

Regular training helps strengthen neurological pathways which help you develop the ability to focus and problem solve quickly and effectively in all areas of your life.

We have had many members remark that even after a few months of training they have discovered they better handle high pressure situations at work and in their personal lives as well as set and achieve goals they had not thought possible before training.



Arakan Martial Art students generally find an increase in confidence as they become more in tune with their mind and body. Learning how to defend yourself against aggressors can result in courage and self-assurance which can help you tackle other obstacles that you may face in life. As you learn certain skills you develop a sense of empowerment which helps you gain control of situations you face in every day life.

Confident martial arts practitioners also project confidence through their natural body language which helps prevent them from being targets of bullying and other forms of aggression.



Although Arakan Martial Art is suitable for people of all fitness levels, you will your fitness levels increase as you train harder and with more focus and determination. The club is full of students who have amazing weight loss and fitness improvement stories. Arakan Martial Art is a fun and exciting way to increase your fitness and reach goals you never thought possible.

Click here for more information on the health and fitness benefits of Arakan Martial Art.


Ongoing training in Arakan Martial Art can increase your resilience to pressure, stress and fear. Regular training will help you cope with stressful situations in work and home life, raise your tolerance to stress and also provides a healthy outlet to relieve your stress.


Awareness and personal safety

One of the most common thing we hear from people that have been attacked in the community is that they never saw it coming.


By training in Arakan Martial Art you become attuned to the intentions of people around you which helps you detect and avoid potential threats before they become physical.

Although you will learn plenty of ways to defend yourself and protect your loved ones, nothing beats the ability to detect a potentially dangerous situation and avoid it all together.


Make friends!

The Arakan Martial Art members are a friendly, down to earth and warm hearted community. We have members of all different ages, backgrounds and fitness and skill levels. Many of our members have made lifelong friends through the groups, seminars and social events held by the club.


We encourage you to give Arakan Martial Art a try.. you never know how much it could change your life until you try!

Simply enter your details on the form on this page and we will get in touch with you to arrange a complimentary private lesson or call us on 1300 132 311 if you would like to speak to someone.

I have started Arakan a year ago when I turned 50 in order to get fit and healthy and have found it to be one of the most rewarding things I have done. I have never been a fighter and have found the skills that they teach at times challenging, but it is always done in an environment were you feel safe, even though you may be out side your comfort zone. All the instructors and other students are supportive and encouraging regardless of the level you are at. I find it fantastic and after only a year i do feel more confident and focused. i would recommend it to anyone to give it a go

Scott Thomson


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* limited places available, subject to instructor availability

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