Instructor Profile - Ben Ho

Instructor Profile - Ben Ho

I love spending time with Ben; we may be training really hard together or just having a laugh after training, Ben is always such a pleasure to spend time with. Ben has been training for over 9 years now and is a talent, successful, honest and humble person, these are qualities in a person that I value highly. Ben is always so open to learn and grow, no matter what the topic may be, which makes him a true warrior of life.

Wishing you all the very best of everything Ben!
Robert Kyaw

STUDENT SINCE: January 26th 2007

HOW YOU FOUND ARAKAN: I attended high school with Second Degree Senior Instructor Josh Grimsey who introduced me to the art and has been my primary instructor ever since.

WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT TEACHING: The Art, The Master, The Culture, The Team, The Students and the endless pursuit of growth and improvement.

MOST MEMORABLE ARAKAN MOMENT: Receiving Instructor of the year 2012, Grading yellow belt and my Introductory lesson with Josh Grimsey.

ARAKAN GOALS FOR 2016: So happy and grateful to reach more and more new students and delve deeper and deeper into the Orange Belt grade.

SUNDAY ACTIVITY: Culinary adventures with my partner Aline.

WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY WATCHING/READING: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a timeless classic and I enjoy watching sport or anything with David Attenborough.

FAVOURITE PLACE TO EAT OUT AT: The freshest Seafood I can find and any authentic asian cuisine.

FUN FACT: I love comedy in any way shape or form.

The Instructors are great, very knowledgeable and genuine. Great way to make friends that became family, grow in physical fitness, learn about your body and how it moves( working with it not against it), self confidence and self esteem growth, mental problems solving . But mostly you gain knowledge on how to use your body, ability, environment, size, gender, age to protect yourself / loved once and to keep safe in a realistic way.

Gulsen Mehmet


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In the modern quest for self-improvement, biohacking, and personal development, Arakan Martial Art emerges as a multifaceted tool that transcends the conventional boundaries of physical training. This unique martial art offers more than just self-defence skills; it's a holistic approach to upgrading your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.



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Arakan Martial Art is not just a practice for the young or physically fit; it's a holistic discipline that offers immense benefits for individuals in their 30s, 40s, and beyond. This unique martial art goes beyond physical training; it's a tool for maintaining and enhancing mental acuity and overall well-being.