Self Defence Classes in Ipswich

Self Defence Classes and Private Lessons

Ipswich Self-Defence Training

There are two Arakan Martial Art® training options to choose from on the Ipswich - private lessons and self-defence group classes.

Private Lessons

Private Arakan Martial Art® lessons are without a shadow of a doubt the quickest way to gain real results! We are specialists in private training, with each lesson customised to your desired goals, individual ability, experience, fitness level and energy levels at any given lesson. Our approach helps to maximise the benefits for you!

Private lessons can be taught all over the Ipswich, seven days a week, at a time and place that suits you. You can read more about our private lessons here

Self-Defence Group Training Ipswich

We recommend group training as supplementary to private training. Group training classes help to further develop your technique, fitness and self-defence experience. Group training is available most nights of the week in a variety of locations around the Ipswich. You can read more about our group classes here

What Techniques Will I Learn?

These three instructional videos provide a tiny snippet of some core techniques you will learn during your Arakan Martial Art® training, as well as a demonstration of how these skills can be applied in real-life scenarios.

Remember that the fast, powerful, practical and adaptable street self-defence techniques you will learn, are but one piece of the puzzle, you will also develop a greater sense of empowerment, confidence, focus and awareness, which will have a tremendous effect in your daily life.

View more demonstration videos


Still not convinced? Don’t just take our word for it! Click the videos below to hear how Arakan Martial Art® is changing the lives of everyday people from a variety of backgrounds and fitness levels.


View more testimonials

I am a student in Sydney. Aaron Moses is my instructor. Being a business owner with employees myself, it is always good to hear when your clients are happy with the service being provided. I have to say I started Arakan in feb 2018 only doing one day a week. Now just five months later I training 3hrs a week. I would have to admit a lot is due to Aaron’s motivation. 

When I started in feb I was still smoking and doing almost no exercise. With Aaron’s always positive attitude and motivation I haven’t had a smoke for 4mths. I also now am running and doing regular exercise. I am fitter than I was in my 20’s or 30’s. 

I look forward to every lesson and just feed off Aaron’s can do attitude. 

I am not a person that usually does this and didn’t want to make a big deal about it. But I really feel that management there and especially Rob needs to know how good of a job Aaron is doing in Sydney. 

My life has improved so much since starting Arakan training. 


Michael Cooper


Watch how Arakan has changed the lives of our students

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for a Complimentary Private Lesson and a Complimentary Group Class

* limited places available, subject to instructor availability

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Boosting Immunity Through Arakan Martial Art: Your Winter Wellness Guide
As winter sets in, many of us find ourselves retreating indoors, wrapped in layers of clothing, and often falling prey to the seasonal sniffles and sneezes. However, there is a potent remedy that can help fortify our immune systems and keep us healthy during the colder months: regular exercise, particularly through Arakan Martial Art. Not only does training in Arakan Martial Art enhance our immunity, but it also contributes significantly to our overall health and longevity. Let’s delve into the science behind these benefits and explore how practicing Arakan Martial Art can be your best defence this winter.

Upgrade Your Life with Arakan Martial Art

In the modern quest for self-improvement, biohacking, and personal development, Arakan Martial Art emerges as a multifaceted tool that transcends the conventional boundaries of physical training. This unique martial art offers more than just self-defence skills; it's a holistic approach to upgrading your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.