Arakan Martial Art Blog for July 2016


I attended the Arakan Sydney Night Club Seminar in June. 

In one word for the experience, wow, unbelievable. That’s two words! 

The most amazing thing about the nightclub seminar was the level of energy - with all of us students as well as the instructors from the beginning to the end, it just multiplied exponentially....

Writing this, feels like a lot of Arakan lessons I teach. I always think to myself, "I have an hour to share as much as possible in an art that could easily go for a few lifetimes, yet I don't want to dilute anything". I guess that is one of the reasons why we are taught to always have urgency with what we do; there is so much to learn, so don't stuff around and make the most of the time that you have....
Both seminars started fast, we lined up uneasily awaiting what was ahead. You could feel the tension crackling. Not hesitating, the instructors lived their roles as prisoners, guards or night-clubbers looking for a good time.  At Casablanca night club, in Sydney, the bouncers had us line up and show IDs. Once in, I was bumped into and confronted by drunkards looking for a drink…or a fight. Brawls erupted all around me as I tried to smooth talk my way out of buying an instructor a drink. It felt so eerily similar to what I’d seen when out clubbing, I was confronted. Bad Top 40s blaring, it felt like a sweaty night out in Sydney. Over the 2 hours we endured typical party situations, from standing up to sitting down from light presses to lightning fast cupping palms to groin shots, we learnt the ins and outs of martial nightclubbing. That night I could not help but be twitchy and hyper aware as I did actually navigate Sydney’s nightlife. Having dusted myself of from the Sydney seminar it was time for round two....

My journey as an Arakan student for some years now has provided me with the necessary tools in life to approach any challenge with confidence, focus and power. The ability to respond to sudden conflicts and manage stress in a positive and measured way is only just one of the benefits this martial art espouses in its ethos and training. It has even assisted me greatly in improving my golf swing and game overall which came as a wonderful surprise that I attribute to my Arakan journey. I have the highest respect and gratitude for my instructors and fellow students. I’m proud to be an active member of the Arakan community.

Bernard Kersting


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Arakan Martial Art is not just a practice for the young or physically fit; it's a holistic discipline that offers immense benefits for individuals in their 30s, 40s, and beyond. This unique martial art goes beyond physical training; it's a tool for maintaining and enhancing mental acuity and overall well-being.