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*Limited places available, subject to instructor availability.

After starting Arakan 4 years ago, my only regret was that I did not take it up sooner. When I started, my goal was to learn how to defend myself, and as an added bonus I would get fit and healthy, what I didn't realise, was that I would become a stronger more confident person in all aspects of my life. I highly recommend giving it a go!

Kellie Ainslie


Watch how Arakan has changed the lives of our students

Upgrade Your Life with Arakan Martial Art

In the modern quest for self-improvement, biohacking, and personal development, Arakan Martial Art emerges as a multifaceted tool that transcends the conventional boundaries of physical training. This unique martial art offers more than just self-defence skills; it's a holistic approach to upgrading your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.



Stay Young and Agile: How Arakan Martial Art Revitalizes Your Mind and Body in Your 40s and Beyond
Arakan Martial Art is not just a practice for the young or physically fit; it's a holistic discipline that offers immense benefits for individuals in their 30s, 40s, and beyond. This unique martial art goes beyond physical training; it's a tool for maintaining and enhancing mental acuity and overall well-being.