Mens Shorts - Latest Edition | Arakan Martial Art


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Mens Shorts - Latest Edition




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A very good friend of mine held a party for his 17 year old son and my wife and I offered to help out with the general party stuff. All was well up until 9:45. A group of uninvited teenagers (party crashers) approached the front gate and despite of being told several times that the party was closed and that they would not be let in, the group got louder and started to climb on neighbouring fences. 
I started to get surrounded by 5 or 6 of them holding open cans and bottles yelling abuse, my adrenalin started rising and I started to pick out my targets (just in case). Then it happened, a push…it was immediately answered by a back fist (guy in front of me), slight turn to the left and followed by a straight palm (guy to my left), it connected quite well and caused a bit of a domino effect. The rest of the group cleared out quickly and started to throw cans and bottles at us; luckily no one was hurt. Eventually the police arrived and scanned the area for those who started this mess.  

Oliver Ihle


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