Mens Shorts - Latest Edition | Arakan Martial Art


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Mens Shorts - Latest Edition




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I’m in Barcelona in Spain at the moment, and was walking back to my hotel at 2am about half an hour ago. It’s known as a city of pickpockets and thieves, but the area where I was seemed ok. As I turned a corner, quite a large guy (well bigger than me) in a hoody came up of out the subway and stood in front of me motioning at my leather jacket. I couldn’t understand what he was saying, but I got the general idea. He tried to grab at me a couple of times, then swung a punch. I bridged his punch with my left hand and stepped straight in and backfisted him directly to his jaw. Josh would have been proud! I know he didn’t understand a word but I actually said the completely badass words “I trained ten years to meet you, is that all you’ve got!” 
He stumbled back and took off running back into the subway. I was not even worried at the time, it was just like all the training but easier. I had no idea how automatic everything would be! My heart wasn’t even beating fast after, I was just annoyed. It wasn’t until I got back to the hotel just now that I realised what actually happened! 
Thank you. I got to keep my leather jacket and out of hospital. 

Steve Gregory


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